pre02 Iriyama's CG Art/Design

"welcome to the previous showcase of Computer Graphics Art works (No.002A) by T.Iriyama"

--- Please enjoy the previous gallery of cg art/design by T.Iriyama ようこそ、CGギャラリー (No.002A) へ : 入山 ---

Showcase of CG art works
cg frame (316k)
12.メルヘンの中の鳥 13.京の浮草 14.ポトスの夢 * インテリア用CGフレーム
12.Vogel in Märchen 13.The impression in Kyoto 14.Dream of House plant * CG Frame for Interior

15.ボルドー 16.パリの壁 37.アビス25D 51.枝垂れ華風に舞う
15.Bordeaux 16.Wine wall in Paris 37.The abyss 25D 51.In the wind
to 0004 untitled (182k) 0004(無題)へ
return to previous gallery 前回までのギャラリーへ
extra go on (380k) インテリア用大型CGフレームへ
List of Art works 作品一覧
to index

(updated on 19 oct '96) all reserved rights(C)copyrights 1995-1996 T.Iriyama